
Accomplishments and Ongoing Projects

About Us

The New Mexico Child Abuse Prevention Partnership (NM-CAPP) is a consortium of stakeholders throughout the state, each with their own mission relating to child abuse prevention coming together to eliminate child abuse. The individual strengths and programs of the member stakeholders are augmented by their affiliation with other like-minded organizations. The collaboration of NM-CAPP with these stakeholder organizations provides a structured, unified, diverse and comprehensive approach to the prevention of child abuse. 

The New Mexico Child Abuse Prevention Partnership (NM-CAPP) provides public awareness regarding child abuse through the use of public service announcements, statewide advertising campaigns and fundraising activities.


  • Planned, developed and hosted a summit for all our stakeholders to brainstorm child abuse prevention strategies, identify programs that are working, identify community assets, and to look at roles and relationships of stakeholders with each other.
  • Planned and hosted 3 Precious Gems Gala’s for Awareness and Fundraising
  • Planned and coordinated 2 5Ks to build child abuse prevention awareness.
  • Mentored three other cities to have 5K’s to begin building statewide awareness about child abuse prevention. Provided seed money to these cities for their events.
  • Provided funding and helped in the planning of a documentary called “Everyone’s Business: Protecting Our Children a public awareness and education media campaign.
  • Completed 25 talks around the state to help increase awareness of child abuse and to address prevention strategies.
  • Participated for 3 years on the J Paul Taylor Legislative Task Force for Child Abuse Prevention and served on a working committee.
  • One of two charities chosen to be 2014 recipient of Governor’s Ball. $24,000 awarded to UNM- NMCAPP and will be used to work on state wide summit for child abuse prevention.

Ongoing Projects

  • In the planning stage to begin a committee to develop a state wide Child Abuse Prevention Plan for New Mexico.
  • February 4, 2015 Legislative “Sneak Peek” of the “Everyone’s Business” documentary.
  • April 3, 2015 World Premiere for the Public of the documentary, “Everyone’s Business” Friday April 3, 6:00 PM KIMO Theater, Albuquerque, NM
  • April 10, 2015 Friday, KOB-TV 4 @ 7:00 PM statewide showing of the documentary, “Everyone’s Business” KNME TV 5 NM-PBS, KENW-TV 3 Portales, KRWG TV 22 Las Cruses
  • April 11, 2015 3rd Precious Gem Gala, Hyatt Regency Hotel Downtown Albuquerque. 
  • October 23 and 24, 2015, Child Abuse Train the Trainer Summit. This summit is open to any individual involved with children and interested in child abuse prevention and will provide continuing education credits.